Monday, May 31, 2010

Two beans to destroy them all.

A few days ago I was roasting my beans as normally. However, the result was really disappointing. When the beans first came out of the roaster one of the first things that stroke me was the burned smell and excessive smoke. After tasting the coffee i soon figured this was not only the smell, the whole coffee had this burned aftertaste.

Further investigation of the roaster told the whole story about the end product.

The two beans seen on the picture were found in the drum after the roast was performed. They were actually almost glued to the drum and have certainly a longer history in the roaster then the beans I was preparing this evening. 
It is incredible that two small beans can destroy a whole batch consisting of thousands of beans!

Here the roaster have been properly cleaned and is now ready for new tasks. I am really looking forward to get my next shipment of beans. They are currently crossing the Atlantic while I have to settle with my smoke-roasted beans in the meantime..


Unknown said...

Er det dette som kalles franskbrent? Eller må du putte en frosk i brenneren for å få den aromaen?

Tipper at Fredrik etter hvert vil bidra med spennende ingredienser i kaffebrenninga!

Erlend Bjørdal said...

De to kaffibønnene ble iallefall fransk brent og vel så det.. Det var vel stort sett bare karbon igjen av de..

Fredrik er allerede blitt svært interessert i kaffibrenning. Han er nok åpen for å putte litt av hvert inn i brenneren!

Unknown said...

Da blir det spennende å høre ka som gir best resultat etterhvert; en og en spennende ingrediens, eller litt av hvert :-)
Uansett glad vi unngikk brente bønner når du hadde fest, sjøl om espressomaskina stod i fare for å gå varm der ei stund :-)